Dental Crowns in Chandler, TX

Are you looking for reliable dental crown services in Chandler, TX? Simon Family Dental is here to cater to your needs. While our office is not physically located in Chandler, we are committed to extending our high-quality dental crown services to the Chandlercommunity, ensuring everyone has access to exceptional dental care

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are custom-made caps placed over a tooth to restore shape, size, strength, and appearance. They are used in various dental procedures to protect a weak tooth, restore a broken tooth, cover a tooth with a large filling, hold a dental bridge in place, or cover a dental implant.

Importance of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are essential for maintaining and improving oral health, providing a blend of functional reinforcement, safeguarding, and aesthetic enhancement. They represent a valuable asset in the toolkit of contemporary dentistry. If you have dental issues that might necessitate dental crowns, seeking guidance from a skilled dentist is the initial stride towards restoring a vibrant and self-assured smile.

The Importance Of Dental Crowns

  1. Protection: Crowns provide a protective shell around damaged or decayed teeth, preventing further deterioration.
  2. Functionality: They help restore the functionality of a tooth, making it easier to chew and speak.
  3. Aesthetic improvement: Crowns are often used for cosmetic enhancements, improving the overall appearance of one's smile.
  4. Durability: Made from sturdy materials, crowns are long-lasting and durable.
  5. Custom-fit: Each crown is tailored to fit the individual's tooth, ensuring a natural look and feel.

Different Types Of Dental Crowns

  • Porcelain Crowns: Matches the natural tooth color and are preferred for front teeth restoration.
  • Ceramic Crowns: Best suited for patients with metal allergies, offering a metal-free option.
  • Gold Alloy Crowns: Known for their strength and durability, ideal for back teeth.
  • Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) Crowns: A combination of porcelain and metal, providing both strength and a natural appearance.
  • Stainless Steel Crowns: Often used for children’s teeth as a temporary solution until permanent teeth grow.

The Process Of Getting Dental Crowns

  1. Initial Consultation: Examination of the tooth and discussion of the best crown type.
  2. Tooth Preparation: Reshaping the tooth to fit the crown and taking impressions.
  3. Temporary Crown: Placement of a temporary crown until the permanent one is ready.
  4. Permanent Crown Fabrication: Creating the crown in a dental lab based on the impressions.
  5. Fitting Appointment: Adjusting and permanently cementing the crown to the tooth.

For more information, contact us at 903-213-9799.

Dental Crowns Maintenance And Care

  1. Practice good oral hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing to keep the crown clean.
  2. Regular dental check-ups: To ensure the crown and surrounding teeth are healthy.
  3. Avoid hard foods: To prevent damage to the crown.
  4. Use night guards if needed: To protect crowns from grinding or clenching.
  5. Address any discomfort early: Let us know if the crown causes pain or discomfort.

Signs You Might Need A Dental Crown

  • Tooth decay that cannot be repaired with a filling
  • Damaged or cracked teeth
  • Excessive wear on teeth
  • Following root canal therapy
  • Cosmetic enhancement of teeth

Cost And Financing Options For Dental Crowns

While prices vary depending on the type of crown and specific dental needs, Simon Family Dental offers various payment plans and financing options to make dental care accessible to everyone in Chandler, TX.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are made from various materials including porcelain, ceramic, gold alloy, and porcelain fused to metal, each selected based on the patient's needs and aesthetic preferences.

Dental crowns typically last between 5 to 15 years, depending on the material used and the individual’s oral hygiene practices.

No, dental crowns cannot be whitened. However, they can be replaced if there is a desire for a lighter shade.

With modern dental techniques and local anesthesia, the process of getting a dental crown is typically pain-free.

If your dental crown falls off, keep the crown safe and contact your dentist immediately for advice and to schedule a reattachment or replacement.

Book Your Dental Crowns Appointment in Chandler, TX Today!

Ready to enhance your smile with dental crowns? Simon Family Dental is ready to assist you with your dental crown needs in Chandler, TX. Contact us online or call us at 903-213-9799 to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile.

Request Your Appointment Today!

We invite you to follow the link to request an appointment that fits your busy schedule. One of our friendly staff members will reach out to schedule your appointment. If you or a loved one experience a dental emergency, please call our office directly at 903-213-9799 to schedule a same-day appointment.