Dental Crowns in Whitehouse, TX

Simon Family Dental proudly offers dental crowns to their patients in Whitehouse, TX. Crowns are an excellent solution for restoring strength and function to heavily damaged teeth. To ensure that each surgery is completed correctly the first time, our skilled dentists uses the most recent technology developments in restorative dentistry.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a type of dental restoration used to cover and protect the visible portion of a tooth. Crowns can be made from a range of materials, such as porcelain, metal, and ceramic, according to the patient's particular needs. These crowns are custom-made to fit securely over the existing tooth structure, providing extra strength and protection.

At Simon Family Dental, we use advanced imaging technology to take precise measurements of the patient's teeth before creating a crown that is an exact match. After fitting the crowns onto the tooth, our dentists will ensure it fits comfortably and securely.

Why Would You Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are necessary when a tooth is too damaged to be restored with a filling. Crowns can also be used for aesthetic reasons, such as to make teeth that are discolored or irregularly shaped look better. They are also used to cover dental implants and hold bridges in place.

What Is the Procedure for Getting a Dental Crown?

When you come to Simon Family Dental for a dental crown, our dentists will assess your teeth and determine if a crown is the best option for restoring them. If so, they will take an impression of your mouth in order to customize the crown to fit perfectly. Then, they will create a temporary crown while waiting for the permanent one to be made in a dental lab. Once the crown is ready, it will be placed over the damaged tooth and secured with a special cement.

How Long Do Dental Crowns in Whitehouse, TX Last?

Dental crowns can last for many years with the appropriate maintenance. At Simon Family Dental, we will provide you with instructions to help ensure your crown lasts as long as possible. Maintaining frequent dental checkups and appropriate oral hygiene practices is crucial to maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

Book Your Dental Crowns Appointment in Whitehouse, TX Today!

If you need a dental crown in Whitehouse, TX, don't hesitate to contact Simon Family Dental today. Our skilled team is committed to your top-notch treatment and support to help you restore your smile. We look forward to helping you achieve the healthy and beautiful smile you deserve!

Request Your Appointment Today!

We invite you to follow the link to request an appointment that fits your busy schedule. One of our friendly staff members will reach out to schedule your appointment. If you or a loved one experience a dental emergency, please call our office directly at 903-213-9799 to schedule a same-day appointment.