Dentures in Whitehouse, TX

At Simon Family Dental, we provide the highest quality dentures in Whitehouse, TX. Our team of dental specialists is committed to giving you outstanding service and care and is both knowledgeable and highly talented. We use the latest technology and materials to create custom-fitted dentures that are comfortable, natural-looking, and effective in restoring your smile.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable dental appliances used to replace missing teeth. They can be manufactured from materials such as acrylic resin, porcelain, and metal alloys and come in partial or full forms. You may be sure that the results will be both aesthetically beautiful and comfortable because our dentures are made to look, feel, and perform like natural teeth.

Benefits Of Getting a Denture in Whitehouse, TX

  • Improved Speech: Dentures can help restore your ability to speak clearly. It may be challenging for you to pronounce some words and sounds correctly, making it challenging to interact with others efficiently.
  • Improved Oral Health: Without dentures, the gaps left by missing teeth can cause other teeth to shift out of place and cause jawbone deterioration. Dentures can keep your teeth properly spaced and your bite aligned, helping to maintain optimal oral health.
  • Improved Appearance: Missing teeth can make you self-conscious about smiling or laughing, but with dentures, you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile again. Our natural-looking dentures will help restore confidence in your appearance.

What Is the Process for Getting Dentures?

Simon Family Dental uses a multi-step process to ensure you get the perfect denture. The first step is to take impressions of your teeth and mouth so we can create a custom-fitted denture that fits perfectly. We will also discuss with you what types of dentures are suitable for your needs and budget.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

Dentures can last for many years with the proper upkeep and care. It's crucial to remember that as your mouth changes over time, your dentures may no longer fit properly. We recommend visiting our office regularly for check-ups so we can adjust or replace your dentures if necessary.

Book Your Dentures Appointment in Whitehouse, TX Today!

If you need to replace missing teeth, contact Simon Family Dental in Whitehouse, TX, today to schedule a denture appointment. Our experienced dentists will work with you to create a perfect custom-fitted denture that looks and functions like natural teeth. Call us now to book your appointment!

We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.

Request Your Appointment Today!

We invite you to follow the link to request an appointment that fits your busy schedule. One of our friendly staff members will reach out to schedule your appointment. If you or a loved one experience a dental emergency, please call our office directly at 903-213-9799 to schedule a same-day appointment.